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Tuesday, 19 February 2019

The Chronicles of trying to be more woman - Episode 21 - EXPOSED

For anyone who has come across this blog due to the word "exposed" or due to the promise of baring my flesh.... PERVERT. For the rest of you who understand my sense of humour, this article will show my terrible skin stripped bare for you all to see.

Recently my skin has been truly horrendous due to multiple allergic reactions, some unexplained and some sadly caused by my own hand. By my own hand you ask? Well recently after using some of my usual make up staples I came up in a terrible rashy breakout. Had my make up gone off? No. New skin care? No. I regret to inform you reader that it was because i was using a sponge which had been used multiple times without cleaning. Anyway sponge thrown and brushes now cleaned on with this article.

How do i rid myself of the after affects of a natural unexplained allergic reaction and one I triggered myself? Let me begin with the canvas i have to work with.... my bare naked flesh:

As you can see other than my naturally unholy bright rosy cheeks, i am currently adorned with some rather nasty blemishes due to the hives which came to visit.

As my recent allergic reactions show, I have fairly sensitive skin. This means perfumed products are often off limits to me, but you'd be surprised how many other products which claim to be "natural" are far from.

Currently to rid myself of these bountiful blemishes I'm using a combination of products. From high street, to luxury, to prescription. Lets begin my routine:

Body Shop; Tea Tree skin clearing foaming cleanser £6.00: Short product name ay? I always love a strong smell such as tea tree. It just smells medicinal and clean! It tingles which i hope means its working....

Cowshed; Chamomile Refreshing Toner £17: This also has a strong fragrance to it, however i do not find this pleasant. Its a little bit too old fashioned and flowery scent for my tastes. It does however seem to be doing the job of keeping my skin clear.

MSD; Elocon ointment (prescription only): Primarily i have this ointment to treat my psoriasis but this also is used for when i have allergic reactions which can be frequent, especially in the winter.   I've been using this cream very sparingly for a few days. As its a steroid cream Its important to use sparingly as not only does the steroid's absorb through the skin, it can also thin your skin. This does however conveniently also clear the blemishes fairly quickly. BUT SERIOUSLY FOLKS, use as your doctor tells you.

So far the above combination is working. Only time will tell how affective this is.

I hope you have enjoyed my return to my blog. Sorry if you only came looking for naked pictures. I tricked you on purpose.

If you have any suggestions for future articles, please let me know.

Peace out ☮🕊

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